An ice flake machine is meant to produce ice with its beautiful shape. Flaked ice is used mostly in industries, laboratories, and fisheries due to their negative temperatures. They are the best when it comes to maintaining perishable goods like preserving fish since it offers a long last appearance and freshness.
Once the flaked ices are formed, they become convenient, dry, sanitary, and clean. They are made without sharp edges meaning they can’t damage the surfaces of the freezers meaning their storage and transportation is easy. Therefore many people would choose different ice flake machine from different ice flake machine manufacturers. However, before you purchase an ice flake machine, there are some tips you need to consider:
Tips to Know Before Purchasing an Ice Flake Machine:
1. Size and Capacity
Strong ice takes more space so you should figure out the space you have to store ice and the amount of ice you are capable of storing. The kitchen might be tighter and having space for moving around is a necessity, but you can as well create enough space for your ice.
For large ice quantity, you need a modular machine with a size-able storage bin. When you buy under-counter and counter-top machines, they save space but maybe what they produce may not be enough for you. You should get the right size and capacity so that you get the correct ice maker. For a small model, soon you must replace it so you should be cautious and buy a long lasting machine as well.
2. Cost
Every industry has a budget, meaning apart from needing a machine that will satisfy your needs, you should also consider the one within your budget. Ice flake machines tend to be costly when compared to others but you can opt to go for second hand or buy in installments. Apart from only considering the machine’s price, also consider all available factors in that machine that leads to that price. Consider energy and water usage, storage accessories, installation costs, and even the water filter.
3. Ice Cup
A machine that is energy efficient may be costly, but in the long run, it may be cheaper. Some self-contained machines are costly when installing too, especially the under-counter ones, or maybe you buy the ice machine that has a remote condenser, that is costly in installation terms as well. You should take your time, consider the cost of installing various machines, but don't forget about their advantages in the long run since you can get a costly machine that is efficient in the long run and is assured that that is the best machine you can ever buy.
4. Speed
It happens in the scenarios when you are rushing things, and you need to have an ice flake machine that produces a lot of ice very first meaning you need to consider the machine with a high production rate. Such machines produce new ices very quickly, enabling your supply level to continue moving without delays and accomplishes your needs in the rush hours hence saving you time.
Every ice machine you want must have a rate of production so always make sure you have inquired concerning the same. They should inform you of the amount of ice produced in a day but also remember those calculations are as for the ideal environment. As for the hot environment, maybe the production rate will be somehow lower.
It is not necessary that all kitchens should have high production rate machines. However, there are kitchens with large storage space that requires machines with a moderate rate of production. When you intend on keeping enough ice in your storage room consistently to meet your requirements, then you are good to go even for machines that make ice slower. As for smaller storage space, then machines with high production rate will be the best.
5. Power Source
The temperature maintenance and water freezers do need some good amount of power. Most of the commercial flakes need a bit high voltage which is beyond the normal voltage that is offered by your typical outlet wall. When you want to install your ice flake machine, you can speak with the electrician so that he can help you to confirm the power source that will be directed for the ice machine meets the requirements for the task.
6. Water Source
For some unavoidable reason, the flake ice machine needs to be linked together with a water source which can deliver the required quantity of water in your machine. The water line codes must contain a valve for shutoff and be as per the codes that are in your area. When you want to replace the flake ice machine, you need to have every requirement concerning the water source. If the one you want to install it in the new area, then you should have a plumber to work for you to ensure that your ice machine is properly hooked up.
7. Type of Condenser
Condensers are of three various types. You should consider an air-cooled machine since it is famously known due to their affordability, energy efficiency, and the amount of water it uses is very minimal compared to the water-cooled ice machine. Air-cooled machines use air circulation for maintaining the required cooled temperatures for a perfectly working machine.
Water-cooled ice machines on the other hand, they fit some contexts like places that air-cooled machines do not well function. As in the case, the ice machine happens to be located at the place that has high temperatures or the place without much air circulation; then the water-cooled machine will be the best. Some cities don't consider the usage of water-cooled ice machines in terms of the amount of water being used, therefore, before purchasing one, confirm with your local regulations if they are applicable there or not.
Number three is opting for the remote condenser that its technology is the same as that of air-cooled machines, but the condenser is moved from the machine until out of the building. Remote condenser might be advantageous when it comes to the cool environment since it doesn't produce any noise. However, they are highly cost as compared with the previous ones, both installation, and its initial purchase price.
8. Drain
Ice Flake machines need to be situated near the floor drains. Most cities have coded various ice machines with the place of location regarding drainage, so you need to confirm with your local authorities to know where yours is coded for compliance.
Ice Flake machines are the best when purchased under the above considerations since you will be sure to have a machine that fully satisfies your requirements as you produce ice.
Contact Person: Mr. Henry Lin
Tel: 86-180 2621 9032
Fax: 86-20-39199299