Hello, world! My name is Water, and you might think you know me well, but I have my secrets and desires, just like everybody else. So let me tell you about my life and my great love story with Ice Cube Ball Maker.
Water and her Greatest Desire
You already know that I am omnipresent, even first life was started in me. I am part of plants and animals; I give air its humidity. I am watering the earth. You cannot live without me for long. I can flood villages, sink a boat, evaporate and become a cloud.
However, there was one thing I’ve missed in my life. Swimming! Oh, just look at all those people enjoying their time while floating in the sea, having fun in rivers and lakes. I was very jealous. People and animals, they refresh inside of me and sprinkle me all around. It made me sad not to be able to know how they feel. I wanted to try swimming so badly, so I decided to look around the world for some help.
I’ve been wandering around for centuries, asked the Earth and Sky for help, but no one knew how to make me swim. I talked with dolphins and sharks, but they couldn’t help me. One day I decided to approach God of the sea, Titan, and ask him for advice.
Titan is a wise person, I can tell you. He said: “Dear friend, you are so liquid. Perhaps if you become solid, you could swim?” What a great idea! Sure, I could swim in a glass if I become a piece of ice. I’ve already known how to freeze, but the best thing would be if I could become an ice cube.
How Water Met a Love of her Life
I remember I’ve heard about an Ice Cube Ball Maker. So I arranged a date, with a little help of some nice people. Oh, that was a wonderful evening! A man poured a piece of me into that great Ice Cube Ball Maker and put us into the fridge. It was a bit cold at the beginning, you know how it goes when freezing, but with Ice Cube Ball Maker all around me, I was happy and relaxed. And when a man took us out, I was so well shaped; I was perfect Ice Cube Ball, ready to go into the water.
Then, a man put me into the glass and poured the juice all over me I was so happy! I got up on the surface and swam. I have moved around the glass, melting slowly, but I was swimming. It was the moment I decided to meet Ice Cube Ball Maker again because he was the one who made me the happiest thing in the World.
So we’ve met again and again, and after each date, I was perfect Ice Cube Ball, and I swam. We tried to improve my appearance, to make me a crystal clear Ice Cube Ball. So, we distilled me first, and then slowly cooled me down in the Ice Cube Ball Maker in the freezer. I looked even better. A crystal clear Ice Cube Ball. We also mixed me in layers with a juice, so I become a colored Ice Cube Ball.
Lived happily ever after
Take a look at me today. I am so happy and proud of myself. I am getting frozen all around the world in my beloved Ice Cube Ball Maker, and it makes me a perfect, crystal clear Ice Cube Ball. I am so excited before each date because I know that after it, I will swim again. I can swim in different drinks, water, juice or any spirit. People just love me, and they ask for more Ice Cube Balls in their drink. They like the sound when I kick the glass, and how I cool their drinks.
So, now you know my story, and I am sure that next time you go swimming, you will know that you are not the only one who is happy about that. Now, I know how great it feels. And I hope you think about my happiness every time you take a dive into me or take a drink with me in the form of a perfect, happy crystal clear Ice Cube Ball.
Contact Person: Mr. Henry Lin
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